DIY Arduino DDR Dance Pad by Super Make Something

Consumer metal dance pads are super expensive and hard to come by these days without Cobalt Flux and BlueShark being in the dance pad market anymore. Those who want to play DDR at home and don’t have access to any nearby arcades are left with very few options. Then there are those who make their own dance pad. Alex from Super Make Something designs and builds his own DDR dance pad using an Arduino micro controller. He documents his entire process in a well-edited video on his YouTube channel. You can find the video below.


Game News Media Videos

NEW Skill Point System in “DDR WORLD”

KONAMI revealed a new skill point system as part of the upcoming new version of DanceDanceRevolution, “DDR WORLD,” similar to skill point systems in other BEMANI games. Flare Skill info

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Game News Media Videos

“DDR WORLD” New Songs Revealed!!

KONAMI dropped a few teasers showing songs that will be included in the “DDR WORLD” launch. Which songs are you looking forward to playing? DDR 25th Anniversary creator songs DDR […]

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Best New DDR Arcade Pad For Home??

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