Game Underground Arcade Championship 4 Results

Game Underground Arcade Championship 4

Overall GUAC 4 Champions

  1. Gloves – 230 pts.
  2. Hedonic – 180 pts.
  3. minglee, $TEVE, Ragu – 110 pts.

DanceDanceRevolution A Upper

  1. ITGAlex
  2. $TEVE!!
  3. DWAYNE!!
  4. Alex

DanceDanceRevolution A Lower

  1. Tommyy
  2. I AM YAM
  3. TanukV
  4. ducj

jubeat Festo

  1. Gloves
  2. Kumatora
  3. Sigma
  4. minglee


  1. ITGAlex
  2. Hedonic
  3. Hatosan
  4. Gloves


  1. Alex
  2. Craig
  3. $TEVE!!
  4. DRON

beatmania IIDX


  1. Sigma
  2. minglee
  3. Gloves
  4. 12inch
  5. Allen
  6. Hedonic


  1. Hedonic
  2. $TEVE!!
  3. Kimmie
  4. Serial
  5. Fluzz
  6. Ian
  7. VVV
  8. Daniel
  9. DWAYNE!!


  1. Matty V
  2. Sponge
  3. Ian

pop’n music

  1. Gloves
  2. Kimmie
  3. Ragu
  4. Ian


  1. Gloves
  2. Allen


  1. Hedonic
  2. Ian
  3. Gloves
  4. Sponge

This page will be updated as more information is released.

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