Rumble In The Prairie 11 Results

Rumble In The Prairie 11

In The Groove 2 Singles


  1. Rynker
  2. ITGAlex
  3. Sudzi781
  4. Captain Black


  1. Prolix
  2. Sereni
  3. feedbacker


  1. Redzone
  2. Krysel
  3. Twans

In The Groove 2 Doubles

  1. Rynker
  2. WinDEU
  3. T. Swag
  4. Sudzi781

Mods Boot Camp

  1. Telperion
  2. ITGAlex
  3. WinDEU
  4. SpootyBiscuit

Couples Boot Camp

  1. OTP (WinDEU + Mint)
  2. Art Squad Returns (King of Light + Telperion)
  3. Untitled Couples Team (feedbacker + Sudzi781)
  4. :basketball: (ITGAlex + SteveReen)



Singles Upper & Doubles

Watch RIP11 from ian5v on


Watch RIP 11 Singles Upper Division from ian5v on 

Singles Middle

Watch RIP11 ITG Tournament from mutesauce on

Middle & Doubles

Watch RIP 11 Singles Mid Division from mutesauce on

Mods Boot Camp & Couples

Watch RIP 11 Singles Mid Division from mutesauce on 
Watch RIP 11 Mods Boot Camp 3 from ian5v on

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