Rumble In The Prairie 8 Results And More!

Rumble In The Prairie 8 was a weekend-long In The Groove and DDR tournament held at the University of Illinois in Urbana, IL. The event featured four tournaments for In The Groove and a DDR EXTREME Random Caprice tournament. Check the jump for the results of each tournament.

All the players who made it into a Top 4 for any tournament.
All the players who made it into a Top 4 for any tournament.


1st – Jim Nero (Aoreo)
2nd – Alex Scepansky (ITGAlex)
3rd – Ryan Konkul (Rynker)
4th – Richard Black


1st – Ryan Konkul (Rynker)
2nd – Thomas Prag
3rd – Richard Black
4th – WinDEU


1st – Suh Dude
2nd – WinDEU and Jonx Jones


1st – Christian Grab
2nd – Sami Dowdle
3rd – ITGAlex/Rynker


1st – Matt LaGreca
2nd – Jai Pie
3rd – Chris Marks
4th – C Oliver Wing
Apparently, Jai made $620 for getting 2nd in Random Caprice.

VODs of In The Groove Singles is available on Twitch at

In addition to the main tournaments, WinDEU is back with some new tricks up his sleeve after coming out of “retirement.” WinDEU hosted a 16-person single-elimination bracket tournament for the Mods Boot Camp. Check out the intro video for Mods Boot Camp below! A download link and details about Mods Boot Camp are available in the following video.

Couples match videos below.

Special thanks to all the event organizers:

  • Matt LaGreca “z0rk” – Singles pack organization and DDR Random Caprice
  • Harris Kalat “Rikame” – Singles pack organization
  • Brandon Sudzius “Sudzi” – Singles pack organization
  • Terry Downing “TEEX” – Singles pack organization
  • David Nelson “mute” – Singles pack organization
  • Ryan Uchima “Spooty Biscuit” – Doubles and Couples tournament organizer
  • Nick Psyhogios “WinDEU” – Mods tournament organizer

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