South East Pennsylvania Timing Attack (S.E.P.T.A.) Tournament Results

South East Pennsylvania Timing Attack (S.E.P.T.A.) was a one-day multi-rhythm game tournament held at Round 1 Exton in Exton, PA on February 3, 2024. Read the tournament summary by the event organizer, roflcopterpilotx.

Photo credit Sydia on Flickr —

DanceDanceRevolution A3

Left to right: DANH (3rd), Jag (1st), dashark (2nd)

1.) Jag
2.) dashark
3.) DANH
4.) Misuc
5.) Miligram
5.) LFK

Pump It Up Phoenix

Left to right: Valex (3rd), Beans (1st), GODDISH (2nd)

1.) JaeKim
3.) Valex
4.) PrimoVictorian


Left to right: Jepetski (3rd), Comatoast (2nd), INARI (1st)

2.) Comatoast
3.) Jepetski

beatmania IIDX EPOLIS

Left to right: MICKEY (2nd), fujo4 (1st), Hoopenflarg (3rd)

1.) fujo4
3.) Hoopenflarg
4.) Comatoast

Tournament Results

EVO 2024 Tournament Results

EVO 2024 is the world’s largest fighting game tournament held in Las Vegas, NV. The DDR A20 PLUS tournament was held at the EVO arcade on July 20, 2024. DDR […]

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Tournament Results

BHOP BALL #2 Tournament Results

BHOP BALL #2 was a multi-dance game tournament hosted by BHOP Esports during the weekend of July 12-14, 2024. StepManiaX 1.) HINTZ!2.) reboman3.) EMCAT4.) Goomba Roomba5.) PATTTTTT5.) ATB7.) TENSHI937.) Pilot […]

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Tournament Results

Project Storm @ CEO 2024 Tournament Results

Project Storm is a multi-dance game tournament held by CEO at Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, FL on the weekend of June 28-30, 2024. DDR A20 PLUS 1.) iamchris4life2.) Chunka3.) […]

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