Summer Fairytale Results

Summer Fairytale: a couples DDR A remote tournament

Upper standings:

  1. IHYD4LFE, 21.5 points
  2. Cumberland Farmers, 17.5 points
  3. WILD CARD, 17 points
  4. !!, 16 points
  5. Good Simfiles Only, 11.5 points
  6. perfectly got married to Kyoko Igarashi, 11 points
  7. Saxura Mirage – Drum’n World, 9 points
  8. Highly Questionable, 6 points (EX tiebreaker: won)
  9. JARJO, 6 points
  10. Aegis Step Team, 3.5 points

Lower standings:

  1. Don’t try to Stop It, 22 points
  2. Dancing Mad, 19 points (EX tiebreaker: won)
  3. big donut, 19 points
  4. I Don’t Give a Dam Dariram, 13.5 points
  5. CHEL LIL C HOU, 12 points
  6. #TweetKyhzTacoBell, 10 points
  7. KawaiiKuma, 8.5 points
  8. Ranch Ranch Revolution (Fat-free Mix), 7 points
  9. GeckoSlime, 5 points
  10. Can’t Step. Won’t Step., 4 points

Mixed standings:

  1. Craigs “R” Us, 21 points (EX tiebreaker: won)
  2. 恋する☆踊る戦争っ!!, 21 points
  3. Chowin’ Down with the Cygnus, 17.5 points
  4. Tokyo Akgul, 14 points
  5. Moonface, 13.5 points
  6. Shark toof, 11 points
  8. Korean City Casuals, 5 points (EX tiebreaker: won)
  9. JARJO, 5 points
  10. TEAM PEN, 3.5 points
  11. Those weirdos, 3 points (EX tiebreaker: won)
  12. But DXY???, 3 points
  13. Toys not boys, 3 points (EX tiebreaker: lost)
  14.  The Commanders, 2 points

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