The 7th KAC Preliminaries Results

The 7th KONAMI Arcade Championship

The 7th KONAMI Arcade Championship preliminary round has ended! Participants who have placed first in their region for North America, Korea, and Asia will move on as finalists to compete at JAEPO along with the defending 6th KAC champion, Chris Chike (@CHRS4LFE). Top 7 placing players from the East Japan and West Japan region will participate in another preliminary tournament before the start of the 7th KAC final round. The top one (or two) players of each region will move on to the finals.

RETOREE (@echospherics) has provided a comprehensive spreadsheet that details the placements and scores of every player in each region. You can find it HERE.

SFEVOLVED is also hosting a site that displays the current KAC world rankings:

East Japan Top 10

West Japan Top 10

Asia Top 10

Korea Top 10

North America Top 10

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