The Big Deal: Multi-Music Game Tournament Results

The Big Deal: Multi-Music Game Tournament was held at Round 1 Grapevine in Grapevine, TX. The main featured games of this tournament series are DanceDanceRevolution A, Pump It Up PRIME 2, beatmania IIDX 24 SINOBUZ, and SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN.

The Big Deal: Multi-Music Game Tournament

DanceDanceRevolution A

  1. EvilDave
  2. ZELLLOOO (Phil Shanklin)
  3. Garrett
Left to Right: ZELLLOOO (2nd), EvilDave (1st), Garrett (3rd)


  1. Calin
  2. Bot.Connor
  3. KEV
  4. AEON


  1. ZELLLOOO (Phil Shanklin)
  2. Teemu Koponen
  3. Chaz Chamberlin

Pump It Up PRIME 2- Speed (High)

  1. ZELLLOOO (Phil Shanklin)
  2. IMSORRY (John Tran)
  3. Guy with Hat (Matt Miller)
Left to Right: Guy with Hat (3rd), IMSORRY (2nd), ZELLLOOO (1st)

Pump It Up PRIME 2- Female Speed

  1. Surya Salgado
  2. Lara Victory
  3. Tania Shanklin

Pump It Up PRIME 2 – Freestyle

  1. Chad Lee
  2. Jill
  3. IMSORRY (John Tran)
Left to Right: Chad Lee (1st), Jill (2nd), John Tran (3rd)

beatmania IIDX SINOBUZ – Upper

  1. KEV
  3. GCD11

beatmania IIDX SINOBUZ – Mid

  1. CONST
  2. GRIM.657
  3. LEMON

beatmania IIDX SINOBUZ – Low

  1. GRAFF
  2. CHAD
  3. YOSH
beatmania IIDX group
Pump It Up group

DDR A Matches

Tournament Results

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Tournament Results

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