Nordic Cup #2 Results

Nordic Cup 2 is an In The Groove 2 tournament hosted by Tanssipelit in Helsinki, Finland on April 18-21, 2019.



1 Mandodo
2 Sereni
3 Ambrose
4 hippaheikki
5 Shpadoinkle
6 NBCrescendo
7 Juha Bond
8 Egg
9 arx
10 Rems
11 ZoG-
12 Behy
13 BängBängBäng
14 Urza
15 Pluto
16 vehnae

Left to right: Shpadoinkle (Lower Stamina Winner, Precision 5th), Mandodo (Precision Winner), Urza (Upper Stamina Winner)


1 Electromuis
2 Alhe
3 Samunstein
4 aryla
5 r0bbE
6 Dernel
7 CrazyDre
8 zQera
9 Heksa

Watch Nordic Cup 2 – Precision day from Tanssipelit on

Stamina Cup


  1. Urza
  2. Farao Pyramid
  3. Rems
  4. NBCrescendo
  5. ZoG-
  6. zQera


  1. Sereni
  2. Behy
  3. BängBängBäng
  4. Alhe
  5. Samunstein
  6. lord_diablo
  7. hegza
  8. Electromuis
  9. vehnae


  1. Shpadoinkle
  2. Kyy
  3. Pluto
  4. r0bbE
  5. Crazydre
  6. tupsu

Watch Nordic Cup 2 – Stamina day! from Tanssipelit on 

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